Re-elect Kevin Plunkett for City Council Place 3 on May 6, 2023
My name is Kevin Plunkett and I am running for re-election to the Bastrop City Council, Place 3. Growing up in Texas, I learned that hard work, strong family values, the importance of education, and a sense of community contribute more to the growth and advancement of a community than anything else. My work and life experience coupled with my extensive involvement in the community will contribute to the economic and social growth of Bastrop. Bastrop is experiencing unprecedented growth and we need strong leaders to ensure that our city government is focused on providing good customer service and leadership to steer the community in an efficient manner that will meld our rural and growing urban environment into a vibrant community that enhances Bastrop’s history and preserves our natural resources.
Explore the site to learn more about my experience, some of the issues I plan to focus on as your city councilman, and ways to help the campaign.
First Day of Early Voting:
Monday, April 24, 2023
Last Day of Early Voting:
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Election Day: May 6, 2023
Re-Elect Kevin Plunkett for City Council Place 3 on May 6, 2023